Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stunning Sunday: Theo James

Happy Mother's Day!!!

To all mothers everywhere, I hope you all have a wonderful days full of love and laughter. I am not a mother, but I can’t wait to join the ranks.

So, what to write about on this cloudy hot Sunday? How about the hottest craze sweeping the nation- Theo James.

Can't you see him in this? 

I’ll admit it, I really had no interest in seeing Divergent. Another movie based on a book post-apocalyptic America where people are grouped and forced to live due to strict guidelines then another group gains power and tries to wipe out a certain group and there’s a rebellion led by an unlikeable female, blah blah blah…. Yeah, I know I’m in the minority but I grew up on Harry Potter, Narnia and Tamora Pierce, I’m kinda a book snob. But I went with my friends to see it because they really wanted to and I was pleasantly surprise. No, not by the plot (though it wasn’t bad) but by the HOT male eye candy. Hellllooooo sailor! In fact, that should be his next role! He should be a sailor or marine or navy seal or army pilot, basically anything that has his dressed like Josh Hartnett in Pearl Harbor. (Don’t judge my indescribable attraction to men in 1940’s military outfits)

See it? 
Of course, Theo James’ face was plaster in every theater and the trailer played before every movie and in every commercial break, but it was nothing compared to seeing him in tatted up action for approximately 2 and a half hours. I think that every comment made during that movie, beside the few made about the Macklemore looking jerk and that her brother is going to be her boyfriend in "The Fault In Our Stars",  was about how F.I.N.E. he is. Even my friend Aim, the most reserved of my comrades, had some feisty, uncharacteristic comments.
That little minx.

So what makes the desirable Theo James desirable? Well, Auntie Catherine is here to break it down for you.
Let’s start with the face, shall we. He has one, a nice one. And it’s the perfect mix between rugged manly man and pretty boy.

Jawline? Manly

Cheekbones that might be the offspring of Benedict Cumberbatch’s? Pretty boy

Every present, five o’clock scruff? Manly

The most perfect set of teeth and lips which creates the most beautiful smile? Pretty boy

The hair? A mixture of both- a perfect combination of thick brunette style so effortlessly perfect

Combine these gorgeous attributes with a pairs of smoldering brown eye and a perfect nose and you get this:

This boy…man…has is ALL!

Now, the voice. If you think that a man’s voice in no way contributes to his overall attractiveness, then obviously you’ve never heard Hugh Jackman speak (or sing) or (again I have to mention) Benedict Cumberbatch.
Theo had such manly voice (see link below) and, though not present in Divergent, he is British which means that he also has an accent. (again see link below) 

 Can I get an Amen?

The body. I feel like I’m just wasting my breath discussing his body. Yep, it’s perfect; rock hard abs, biceps as big as my head, suspected muscular thighs. But he isn’t ginormous like the Rock or perfectly leaned and tone like Andrew Garfield. He’s, as the old tale goes, just right. Here a gif of him shirtless- because I’m a giving soul.

I feel like I have to mention his tattoos from Divergent here too. I am not opposed to dating a man with a tattoo or two. I've never dated a man with one, but that’s because the majority of my boyfriends happened in high-school and they weren’t old enough to get one. But the thing about tattoos in regards to attractiveness is that they have not be stupid or obnoxious (like that)  and well placed. They nailed (or needled) it on the head with is. Though there were a lot, they were simple, black and placed on his back. Good job Divergent. (I do know that they design, placement and color were probably indicated in the book and only followed by the producers of the movie, so well done Divergent author as well)

I know nothing of his personality. Is he the complete gentlemen that Tom Hiddleston and bring tea and soup to waiting reporter? Don’t know, though his English upbringing might be an indication that he is. Is he a closet nerd like Henry Cavil who almost missed his role for Superman because he was playing World of Warcraft (I do love a hot nerd) or Andrew Garfield who’s always wanted to be Spiderman. Does he spend his time surfing like Liam Hemsworth? Or playing with his dog like Kellan? Is he a big flirt like Chace Crawford or Leonardo Dicaprio? (Theo and Leo do rhyme)  Can he sing like mi amor, Ben Barnes.  Or does he just take naked selfies like James Franco and hit on underage girls. (Seriously, James, we need to have an intervention) I don’t know, but I’m sure we are going to be seeing a lot more of this British hunk in the upcoming years- at least until they finish Allegiant II. Right Theo? 

Of course I will, Theo. 

So, happy Sunday everyone. Enjoy living life and looking at hot guys!
Love you bunches and see you on Tuesday!

XX Catherine 

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