Sunday, August 25, 2013

My first time...
I kissed a boy.

Okay, admit it, you got all excited thinking that I was going to write about something completely personal? Shame on you ;) 

I got the idea of this post from English Youtubers, Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter, and I thought that I would maybe share some of my first times with the world. However, I only think that three people actually read my blog-one of them is probably my mother-so I guess I'm only sharing it with a very small percent of the population. Well, no matter how many or whoever is reading, here we go.

*Catherine Note*: All names have been changed to in order to protect the parties associate. I have decided to change them all, possibly including my own, to Disney character names because I'm fun like that. 

My first kiss,
A tale by Catherine 

Once upon a time, when I was in kindergarten, I kissed two boys in one day and I got in trouble. 

Though that story is very true, I don't that kissing before puberty counts. So here is the true account of my true first kiss. 

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Alabamaistan, I was forced to change high schools. My parents thought it would be best for me to attend a small, private Christian school along with my brothers. On my first day of school, I saw him- Philip for this stories sake- in band. He was the cutest boy I had ever seen, and that's saying something. Naturally, as was accustomed of my fourteen years old self, I was determined to make him my boyfriend, despite the fact that he was sixteen. I was a lot more forward back in those days, in case my kissing two boys in kindergarten didn't tell you that, so I immediately wrote a note to my only friend at my new school casually about the unknown cute drummer. And by casually, I mean with the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. She told me that he was named "Philip" and that he had a nice family and that we could use year books to figure out more about him. You see boys and girls, this was 2003 and we didn't have Facebook or Twitter to stalk a boy through. If I did have it, I would have been unstoppable!
 So, Aurora- me- pursued Philip through the only forms of communication we used in these ancient days, AIM and notes. We wrote notes and IMed but, despite my best efforts, my attempts were all met with failure. This was unusually for me but, after a while, I backed off and decided it would never happen. However, everything changed one afternoon , on the band trip or tennis trip- I still don't know which one. This trip isn't important, however, the simple fact is that he suddenly liked me and it only took me a whole school year- it was May at this point- for him to come around. We officially started "going out" on whatever day my brother graduated from High School...I think. I was around that time and the official date isn't important to this story. 

Now, here is what you have all been waiting for, the story of the first kiss.  By the end of the end of the school year, something magical had happened that only happens one it probably 10,000- me and my best friends were dating, going out, with three best friends. This was highly convenient because we always had another couple to hang out with. Things were pretty great. The beginning of June brought Rapunzel's birthday so we all headed up to a little amusement park to celebrate, Rapunzel and her man, Belle and her man and me and Philip. I remember what I wore, khakis capris  and a pink v-neck shirt with white flip flops. Looking back, I wish I had been kissed in a lot better outfit but what can you do? We spent our day riding various rides, as couple of course,  and having alot of fun. Well, we were having alot of fun until Belle's guy broke up with her- as he purposely planned to do- and everyone else felt awkward. Nothing like you best friend crying in an amusement park after be broken up with by her boyfriend to put the happy in "Happy Birthday". 
While Belle and her now ex-beau talked. Rapunzel and her guy and my and my guy decided to go on a little ride together. I would describe this ride as Splash Mountain's dull grandmother. There were no singing animals or whimsical drops or colors. Basically, it was a tunnel that ended in a drop. Exciting, I know. Well, we get on this ride with he and I, strategically or not so strategically,  sitting in the back and we started going through this tunnel which continued to get darker and darker as we continued on. Soon, it was pitch black and we were all snuggled up in the back row with his arm around me. It was so romantic. Next thing I know, he kissed my cheek. Naturally, I turned to look at him in the pitch black dark. Then, it happened. Honestly, I don't know if it looked like the movies because I was involved in it and was not having an out of body experience at that moment. In fact, I didn't realize that was happening till about half was through the kiss. 
This was the conversation going on in my head at the time.
What, was is that? Are those lips? Are they his lips? Moron, he is kissing you! He's kissing me and I'm missing it. Are you eyes closed? No, I don't think so, are they supposed to be? Yes, that's how is it done in the movies. Oh yeah, right! 
Unfortunately I never closed my eyes so I'm sure that I looked like a proper idiot. When the kiss ended, I remember smiling and saying something about his six months since his last kiss being up, because I'm smooth like that. For the rest of the afternoon, especially about the time my mother was supposed to come get me to take me home, I was completely terrified to be alone with him for fear that he would kiss me again and I would do something stupid again or worse, my mother would see. 
And that's the story of my first kiss. It wasn't movie-esque or perfectly time to a song. Instead, it was just me and the boy I liked in the back of a boat- but it was perfect. 
The first kiss is one of the most pivotal moment in a girls life. It doesn't require the perfect place and moment, just the perfect person. And it doesn't have to be a big, elaborate kiss. I can just be a sweet little peck, a chaste kiss if you will. Leave a comment below and tell me about your first kiss, how magically it was or if was slobbery, I would love to hear your storied especially if you had made it this far into mine. 

Now, this was only my first simple, innocent kiss. My first real kiss, and if you don't know what I mean by real than you probably should go back to watching iCarly, was later that month and doesn't have a cute story that accompanies it. It was still pretty hot, though,

Well, I hope you enjoyed a little look into my life. And, if you are my 13 year old daughter who somehow found this on the world wide web, your mom was just like you once. Now, turn off your computer or whatever internet capable device you are using and go to bed!

Love to all-

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