Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Christian Boys:

 Why We Love Them

Yes, yes, yes, this is another dating post which is quite funny for me because I am as single as single comes. One of these reasons that I started this blog is so that I have something to do to fight the loneliness I have developed after leaving most of my friends and moving for school and to be with my family. 
But enough about me, let's get to the real topic of today. 
For Christians dating is a little bit different from the dating world of, well, the world. If you don't believe me then maybe you are doing Christian dating wrong. 
Now, there are some things that Christians guys do that Christians girls think is- I'll outright say it- sexy. And by sexy I mean "oh my word, please marry me now" sexy. 

So, I talked to my girlfriends and together we have complied a list (yay! lists!) about what Christian girls find sexy in Christian guys. So, without further ado...

Top Six Things Christian Guys Do that are Sexy:

  1. Say a prayer before you eat on a date. When I was younger, I'll admit that I got a little embarrassed about and would wonder what other people thought when we bowed our heads. Now that I have matured a whole lot, it's completely sexy. When you are with a guy who loves the Lord enough to stop and pray before a meal despite who is around or where you are at shows you the type of husband and spiritual leader of your family. 
  2. Give a public talk. Whether is be at a devotional or in front of the whole congregation, something about seeing a guy up there spreading the word of God make everyone young woman drool. And he doesn't even have to be good at it. If he up there stumbling over his words, he adorable and cute and you can't wait for him to come down so you can tell him that he did wonderful and fawn over him, just a little bit. If he's a veteran at it and does wonderful, then he just looks hot. No need to sugar coat that. 
  3. Holding the songbook for the both of you during church. Here is my qualm with this whole "paperless" approach for church: no one uses a book any more so there are no guys holding books. :( I loved it when my boyfriend or any boy for that matter would hold the book for me in church. He would hold the book with his big strong arms and veins popping out all over the place, really showing off that he's a man. Love it. So, we might have to bring back song books just for me and my love of forearms, okay?
  4. When guys hold you hand during a prayer. Though I'm really not a big hand holding person during a prayer, I don't understand the purpose of holding hands of complete strangers or the little squeeze after Amen. I mean really, what is that? I'll admit it , I have spent more that one prayer focused on the hand that is clasped in mine wondering if he/she can feel my head starting to sweat or that little dry spot that I can get below my ring finger and if they now think that I'm gross. Yeah, not the best thoughts during a prayer. However, when it's your boyfriend or the guy you are dating, it's like a sense of togetherness, together you are offering up this prayer. And, hopefully he has held your hand before so you are worrying less on what they think about your hand and are focused more on what they are saying. 
  5. When guys roll their sleeves up. Okay, I know that this doesn't apply only to Christian guys, but I feel like I see it more in them since it's kinda the "dress-code" for church. Guys, every girl loves it when you unbutton your sleeves and roll them up a few times. It makes us go wild! And then, when they hold the song book and they have their veins all popping out...well, it's just an amazing amazing thing.
  6. And the last, when a guy leads singing. Now, this is a special one because not every guy can lead singing- some think that they can, but they can't. But when a guy gets up there and leads and knows what he is doing, there is probably nothing hotter. Add that to holding a song book and rolling up his sleeves and you might be in love with him by the end of the song, it's true. But remember ladies, to pay attention to the words of the song, no matter how good he looks. 
So, there you have it. This post may of not been as entertaining as the last too, but I hope you enjoyed in nonetheless. Have a wonderful "hump day" and I'll post again soon!

Lots of Love-

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