Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Love Affair with Makeup:

Hello lovelies! I am back from my unexpected hiatus.  Lucky for me, all of my professors this semester decided that my exams were best scheduled two at a time with no breaks! Yay! I honestly don't know how my mind has survive until now. However, I think that the worst is over now so you will be hearing a lot more from me. I know, I know- you're excited but please, try to contain yourself.

So, I have made an executive decision about my blog. So far I have written about my poor attempts at finding love, my favorite men and a little on my favorite fandoms. But, from now on, I think I am going to switch gears on my little pink blog and actually swerve into the beauty lane. Yes, this will partly be a beauty blog. Now, of course I will still have my hot men rants and Disney post and funny stories regarding my life and the life of those around me, but I will also be dealing out my knowledge and tips I've learned regarding makeup, hair, skincare and fashion. I super excited about this because I love all things girly as well as all things nerdy! So, here we go with my first beauty post.

Since a very young age, I have loved makeup. In fact, one of my favorite pictures of myself as a toddler was one where I was standing on my parent's toilet with baby powder on my face and bright red lipstick smeared all over my lips. Even at the rip old age of three, I could wait to be a big girl and wear makeup.
I'm am now 24 and have been wearing makeup for at least the last 11 years. And through those 11 years, I have learned many tip and tricks of the makeup world. You see, no one taught me how to put on makeup. My poor mother-who is the most beautiful women in the world- never wears any makeup. And if she does, she is absolutely clueless as to how to apply it or buy it. (I'm completely serious, a few years ago she sent me to the store with a handful of cash to buy her makeup because she didn't even know what to buy) Because of this, I had to rely on observation and later YouTube videos to teach myself about the wonderful world of makeup. And I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think I have gotten skilled at doing it- on myself at least.

Now- before I go any further- I have to tell you that my makeup routine is exactly that- a routine. Yes, I mix it up a little now and then, but I usually don't venture far. Let me explain why. I feel like many girls use their makeup to try to change how they look. They use over exaggerated colors, liners and contouring to change their entire face. I am not like that. I believe that make up should be used to enhance every girls natural beauty. Every single girl out there is beautiful! It really breaks my heart when I see girls out their trying to hide themselves and change themselves by overdoing their face and not letting their true beauty shine through. Less really is more, especially when it comes to a basic day look, and that's how I feel like I do my make up.

Okay, little rant over. Now onto the real meat of this post- me and my make routine. As my maiden voyage as a beauty blogger I am going to show you how I do my makeup and share a list of my favorite products.

My Daily Makeup Routine:

First thing, always start with a clean face. Cleaning your face is really important when it comes to doing makeup because this stuff literally clogs your pores which can lead to ance- and no one like ance. (One day I may do a post on my skin care routine and how I determined which skin care routine was good for me.)

Look Mom, I'm on the internet with no makeup
First step first- concealer. Now matter how clean and clear your skin is, every girl is bound to get a few zits in her life time. Then, on top of that, with age comes dark circles that no one particularly wants peaking through. Through trial and error, I have discovered two concealers that I absolutely love!!! They are the Maybelline 24-Hour Concealer and Hard Candy's Glamoflauge. Though they are both liquid concealers, I really consider them to be in different forms. The Maybelline concealer comes in a tube and has an application wand for, well, application. For the past few months, I have been primarily using Glamoflauge but the Maybelline tubes are great to through in your bag for touch ups- which is why I am including them in this post. The Glamoflauge has stolen my heart. You only need a little bit to go a long way and it stays on a long time. Yay! It comes in a tube and can be applied with a sponge or, my preferred way, by using a beauty blender. Now, if you don't know what a beauty blender is, it is that little tear shaped pink sponge you see on the makeup aisle. They can be used dry or damp to apply liquid make up and they blend magnificently! (Just in case you were wondering) These products are both cheap ($6 for the Glamoflague and under $8 for the Maybelline) and are both products I would recommend. 

Now, for foundation. Back in March, I took the plunge and entered into a relationship with Bare Essentials. From then on, we have been in love. Yes, it is more expensive than normal powder or foundation you can buy, but it is totally worth it. It covers like a DREAM!!! It's light and, like the Glamoflague, it stays put all day. And I mean it, there are days when I would come home from school and still look fresh. Applying it might seems intimidating- they do give you a brush and specific instructions- but it really is simple. You pour a little in the cap, swirl your brush in it, tap off the excess then buff it onto your skin. After applying it, you might feel like a wizard with the crazy make up magic you just performed. 

Now, this next part is a little controversial. Some girls do their blush next, I do my eyes. First, I use an eyelid primer. I recently started using eyelid primer and so far I really haven't noticed a different in my length of stay for my eyeshadow but I am still using it so, who knows. Here comes the next controversial part! I don't use eyeliner in the conventional sense. I personally hate the way that eyeliner looks- it looks unnatural and actually makes most peoples, mine included, eyes looks smarted. Who wants to make their eye look smaller? They are the "gateway to the soul". Instead, I tight line. Now, tight lining is something that I can get behind. Instead of applying eyeliner in the conventional sense, I only use eyeliner to fill in the little gaps between my eyelashes. This doesn't make your eyes look smaller and, instead, really fills in your eyelashes to make them look thicker! How awesome it that? 

And now for the third controverisal part, I only wear brown and neutral eyeshadow tones. Most guys notice a girls eyes before anything else. Using colors that compliment your eye colors will really make your eyes stand out and really pop. That's why I, a blue eye girl, use brown whereas brown eye beauties should use more purples and blues and green eye girlies should use more greens and golds. By choosing complimenting colors, people will look at your beautiful eyes instead of your eyeshadow. 

Then I apply blush. Blush is about the simplest part of my makeup routine. Now, with blush, it's important to choose one that compliments your actually coloring and won't make you look, well, like a clown. Oh man, I actually saw a girl today at school who hadn't learn this concept and I could only look at her bright pink blush, and not her face. My personal favorite blush is Pink Blush 04 by Clinque. It's simple and soft and would probably match with most skin tones. 

After blush I apply a bronzer, if needed. Did you all read that- if NEEDED! We have all passed girls that are two different colors- tan faces and pale necks. Though I am probably guilty of doing that at least once, make sure to match your makeup well and blend it appropriately into you neck to avoid this common mistake.  Believe me, it's okay to put makeup on you neck ans even your chest- you won't be breaking some unwritten rule. When applying bronzer, apply it to you neck and chest also so that everything matches and to avoid that carnal makeup sin. Then set your makeup with powder or mineral veil- for us Bare Essentials users- to complete your look with you favorite lip stick or gloss. I personally love Utla's Brilliant Color lipgloss in 15. It's a beautiful shade that looks more like a shiny lipstick when on instead of a shimmering lip gloss. Sometimes, if I want a little shimmer, I'll layer a shimmery gloss over it- particularly a Revlon Shade that I can't find at the moment. 

And done! That's better.

Sorry for the bad lighting- blame my bathroom.

And now I'm ready to face the world. (Get it, face? Because I put on my face!)

I hope you have enjoyed my first beauty post. Comment or subscribe/ follow if you really enjoy post like this and I'll be sure to write more. 

Lots of love,


Friday, October 4, 2013

Love 'Em, but Don't Date 'Em.

A few weeks ago, I decided to go through my 'Random' Pinterest to rediscover all of the funny things I have pinned over the past two years. During this exploration, I cam across a blog post title: "Fictional Boys We All Want to Date Who Would Make Awful Boyfriends." I don't know about you, but we you see a title like that, you have to stop and read. And that's just what I did. Being a fan girl, I have fictional relationships with many fictional characters, my most notable relationships being with Nathan Scott, Emmett Cullen and the-Boy-Who-Lived himself, Harry Potter. As much as I have enjoyed my fictional relationships, I have never stepped back and examined to see if they were good boyfriend material or not. So, as I was rereading it I thought to myself, "Hey, I should make a list of my own." So, that's what I am doing. I have examined all of my favorite fandoms and created my own list of the men we all want but who are probably not boyfriend material. 
I know that you are all on pins and needles waiting for this life altering list so here it is:

Catherine's List of Fictional Hotties Who Would Make Bad Boyfriends:

  1. Sherlock Holmes. Yes, the Baker Street resident is the first hottie but a boyfriend nottie on the list. If you haven't watch the brilliant BBC series Sherlock, then I am half tempted to tell you to stop reading this right now and go watch- it's amazing. Each episode of an hour and a half of twist, turns and witty banter. And, if you are anything like me, you slowly fall into love with the lead character's brain, wit and cheekiness. He's like British bad boy in a trench coat. So, why does this crime solving genius make the list? Well- he's kinda a cocky jerk. Sherlock knows he smart and often rubs that face in others faces. He is always so attentive to detail, the thing that makes him a genius detective, but sometimes his little 'talent' enables him to point out truths in people they were trying to hide- which usually embarrassed them. (See season 2, episode 1) Maybe he had the Sheldon complex and is oblivious to what he does and how it can hurts others, but-for the times being- Sherlock should be carefully admired from a far, where you are safe from his all observing eye and his filter less mouth. 
  2. Captain America. "The gasp heard around the worlds", that's what they should call the scene in the recent blockbuster when little Steve Rodgers steps out of the greatest machine ever created, ever and every women's mouth drops at the sheer sexiness that is Captain America. He is the America dream. He beautiful, build like a Greek god and wears a military uniform like it was designed especially for him. Then, on top of the physical, he's a good guy- the guy that would hold the door for you, and bring you flowers, politely walk you do the door after every date and only give you a kiss on the cheek and not try to test you boundaries. He would be the type of boy that every girl's mother and father would want her to date. So, why does he make this list. Well, the little serum that transformed little Steve Rogers into a strapping young man also messed with his genetics and how his ages- or lack there of. Dating a none aging man just doesn't sound fun to me. You would get old, everything would start to sag and drupe and he would still look every Abercrombie model rolled up into one. Not the type of lasting relationship a girl wants, is it? Therefore, the captain makes this list.
  3. And onto another captain, Captain Jack Sparrow. Who doesn't love this good guy/ bad guy scallywag pirate? One, he's play by the undeniably dersirable Johnny Depp, the only man on this planet that can make manliner sexy. It's a fact, jack! Then, he wears those sexy pirate clothes and carries a manly sword and you are in love. If you know the movies, then it might be kinda obvious why he's definitely not boyfriend material. However, it this is not the case- then I'm here to break it down for you. Despite his sexiness and sword, he is a pirate and pirates are notoriously bad boyfriends. He's always running around the opening seas, stealing to boot, and them stopping into Tortuga to meet up with Gisette and Victoria, probably on the same night. Pirates don't follow laws- their pirates- and I down that he would follow the laws of boyfriend as well. 
  4. Edward Cullen. Like most girls, I fell in love with he mysterious vampire in Forks, Washington. Though I did eventually reassign my romantic ties to his gorgeous, buff older adoptive brother, I was "irrevocably" in love with the copper headed child of the night. He was handsome, mysterious, musical and romantic. What more could a seventeen year old girl want? Well, good ole Ed may not be the best boyfriend material. Now- before you get your pitch forks and burn me at the stake, hear me out. According to Pinterest, Edward and Bella's relationship meets many of the qualifications of an abusive relationship. Personally, I don't know if that is true or not- but let's face it, their relationship is a little odd. First, he comes into her bedroom and watches her sleep. Umm...creepy. Maybe this would be romantic if I slept like a perfect angel at night, but considering I kick, drool and do who knows what else after the Sandmand visits, I really would want some boy watching me. Also, he makes everything so serious. Yes, their is a little more flirting and fun in the books- but if you have ever seen the movies you would have to agree that boytoy needs to take a chill pill. Goodness! Some girls might like that time of serious at all time, but it would drive me crazy. 
  5. Thor. Yes, the Norse god of thunder comic book sensation also makes this list. Most of us females have limited our exposure to the blockbuster movie that came out a few years ago.(The sequel is coming out this fall- hallelujah) And in the movies, the blessed superhero is played by the one and only Chris Hemsworth and his holy biceps of happiness. Seriously? Have you seen those puppies? They are bigger than my face! And though he needs to lose the pride and gain some humility in the movie, he still has the charming princes personality that this girl loves. So, why does he make this list. A relationship with Thor would be the ultimate long distant relationship. I mean, the boy lives in an entirely different world where phone calls and FaceTime our out of the question. As much as I want to be cuddle in those huge arms and held against to that strong, hard chest- those embraces would come few and far in between- unfortunately. 
  6. Sirus Black. Of all of the mauders, I could probably say that he is the one with the most fan girl following. From the descriptions in the book of their glory days, you imagine a man of good boy, rebel sexiness. (I mean, he was in Gryfinndor and his family was strictly Slytherin- and that didn't sit too well with good ole Mr. and Mrs.) He was a jokerster, loyal and willing to fight and die for a cause- he was like the Josh Hartnett in Pearl Harbor equivalent in the wizarding wars. (Okay, that might be a bad analogy but he's the only hot war guy I can think of off the top of my head) So, why does Mr. Black make the list. Well- first, he has that whole murder charge places upon his sexy head. Now, we all know that he didn't actually do if (and if you didn't, spoiler alert) but his twelve year stay in Azkaban makes him a less than desirable boyfriend. And then, when he does finally get out- he spends his time running from the law, usually as a black dog, and still not desirable for a relationship. As much as we all love Sirus, and we do, being with the sexy sorcerer isn't going to happen- unless its back in his Hogwart's days. 
  7. Doctor Who. *ducks to avoid flying objects* Good people of blogger, listen to me. Yes, we all love the Doctor and we all, despite our best attempts to not be charmed by his charm and wit, fall under his spell. Ladies, we have to face it- if would make a terrible boyfriend. Even if you were his companion for a considerate amount of time- no amount could replace the fact that he loves Rose and River. And if we could, would he really be around for the long haul? The poor Doctor's tract record with women isn't the best. Rose has gone to a separate dimension with a human 10th Doctor. Martha loved the doctor but never earned his love in return. And River is, according to the last episode of this past season, dead. But even she, his own wife, spent her year filtering in and out of time, never really being able to be with the one he loves because they were moving in two different directions. A relationship with the Doctor just wouldn't work. Now, we can all cry together. 
  8. Han Solo. Who doesn't love the Star Wars bad boy perfectly played by Harrison Ford. I mean, have you seen him in that costume with his little boots, pants (including gun holster) and fluffy 70's hair. He was like a galaxy biker who really had a sweet, soft heart. He's the only guy who can respond to a declaration of love with "I know" and it was totally hot. If any other guy did that, they girl would end up in tears and the guy might get slapped.  But he owns it. So why is he on this list? Well, though he is tall, dark and handsome- he's also a bootlegging, sometimes cocky, can be jerk with a huge bounty on his head. Not exactly what you want in a relationship. Then, he spends an unknown number of months frozen in carbonite- so I'm sure that would put a damper on the relationship. Maybe,eventually, he would be good enough for a true, committed relationship- but during the rebel wars, it's better to just stay away. 
So, what do you think of my list? Who would you add and/or delete?

Love and happiness to all.